Aeration Systems with GO Diffusers

  • Removes dissolved gases, oxidized metals and VOC effectively.
  • Mixes the wastewater and maintains D.O. levels effortlessly.
  • Boosts microorganism consumption.
  • Coarse bubble diffusion suitable for highly loaded systems.
  • Treat the effluent properly with keeping the solids suspended.
  • Avoid costly sludge buildup.

With the use of G-O Diffusers in large rectangular tanks, air is pumped into the basin fostering microbial growth. The oxygen pumped in promotes the microorganisms to feed on the organic material forming flocks for easy settling. Once settled in a separate settling tank, this creates the activated sludge. This sludge is then recirculated back into the aeration basin increasing decomp rates thus dissolving and removing gases further.


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